Notre-Dame Cathedral is burning
But the cross stands and shines.

The cross in front of the altar lights up brightly (Quelle: AP)
The tragedy of the Notre-Dame Cathedral touches the whole Christian world.
Dense smoke billowing through the historic, world-famous cathedral while 400 firefighters form a human chain and could save most of the art treasures from the flame inferno. A priest runs into the cathedral to rescue the holy relic, the crown of thorns that Jesus is said to have worn.
Louis IX bought the crown of thorns from the Byzantine Emperor in 1237, which is enclosed in a casket made of gold and crystal and securely stored in it. The heroes of the night are the priest and the 400 firefighters.
The cathedral, as well as the substance and the facade are spared, but some of the towers supported in the flames. The roof falls victim to the flames. Many Parisians are crying for their cathedral, watching live on site and on various TV channels and cannot believe what happened (source: Maurice Petite on site).
After the flames are extinguished, the firefighters see through the clouds of smoke the cross on the altar and a ray of light illuminates the cross in the Notre Dame, as if to say: "Do not be afraid, I am the light of the world. He who believes in me will live forever."
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