Muslim prisoner executed in USA
US directs Muslims without assistance

Death chamber - Alabama (Quelle: prison administration Alabama)
On Thursday at 22:12 (local time in Alabama USA), the judicial authority is the 42-year-old Dominique Ray with a lethal injection. The convict was sentenced to death for rape and the murder of a 15-year-old.
The lawyers of Dominique Ray had sued shortly before his execution against the execution proceedings in Alabama. The defendants argued in their lawsuit that Muslims also have the right to religious assistance through an Iman.
However, the supreme court of the Supreme Court in the United States ordered the execution of capital punishment with 5: 4 votes for execution without the assistance of an iman.
It should be noted that Christian death candidates may be escorted to the execution chamber by a religious chaplain and given assistance.
The called Iman was allowed to speak with the convicted person before, but did not accompany him to the execution room.
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