Did Ankara intercept the Saudi consulate?
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Lobby in the Turkish Government Palace (Quelle: Sabah)
An informant source of the GDN journalist Dennis Andresen conducted the self-test with an Apple Watch and his smart phone in Istanbul. The credible finding is the fact that the Turkish mobile service provider does not offer this form of data transmission in the WLAN and thus did not work.
The pro-government newspaper Sabah, known as Erdogan's mouthpiece, places scattered information in its newspaper piecemeal and relies on reliable sources of security without naming its name.
The world-renowned intelligence expert on CNN television, Robert Baer, also distances himself from the Apple Watch version and reiterates that there is currently no mobile operator in Turkey that supports this feature of syncing to the smart phone (source: CNN).
"I think that Turkey has bugged the Saudi consulate - they have transmission equipment," says security expert Bear. Therefore, they probably knew about the act and therefore they were reluctant to admit it (source: CNN).
It is already difficult for the Turkish government to keep the world in suspense by presumably deliberate stalling tactics. True to the motto: "You have no time, but who have the clock." So probably the mindset of the Turkish government should be.
Ankara is in an economically desperate situation, where it is in the nation's cause to explore everything imaginable, how to stop the economy and the deep decline of the Lira, which has lost value.
Inflation is growing rapidly.
It is already difficult for the Turkish government to keep the world in suspense by presumably deliberate stalling tactics. True to the motto: "You have no time, but who have the clock." So probably the mindset of the Turkish government should be.
Ankara is in an economically desperate situation, where it is in the nation's cause to explore everything imaginable, how to stop the economy and the deep decline of the Lira, which has lost value.
Inflation is growing rapidly.
A government official, who of course wants to remain anonymous, suggested before the weekend that the information held by Turkish government circles should be understood as a "bargaining chip" towards Saudi Arabia (source: CNN).
It may therefore be implied and suggested that Ankara may use this situation to secure certain economic investments by the Saudi government.
If the latter is the reason why Ankara therefore withholds from the world public the alleged evidence of the alleged murder of the Saudi-critical journalist Khashoggi, it has made the "bill" without the US and the EU states.
The US administration and the EU states will not sit idly by and watch Ankara and Saudi Arabia agree to hold off the alleged murder of Jamal Khashoggi for economic interests and reasons!
The US administration and the EU states will not sit idly by and watch Ankara and Saudi Arabia agree to hold off the alleged murder of Jamal Khashoggi for economic interests and reasons!
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