The case of Khashoggi employs the UN in New York
Appeal to the UN in New York

UN-New York (Quelle: Dennis Andresen)
German Daily News journalist Dennis Andresen has asked the United Nations UN in New York to officially reveal to Saudi Arabia and Turkey the disclosure of alleged evidence in the world.
It is an untenable state that the global community has probable evidence daily through the Turkish newspaper "Sabah", but does not disclose it in the end. Saudi Arabia denies the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The Saudis express their desire to be informed, but the Turkish authorities do not check the Consulate for traces of blood (luminol). In forensic medicine and forensics, it is possible with this chemical substance to make even the tiniest traces of blood visible.
However, the Saudi government rejects that. The Turkish authorities have spread through the newspaper "Sabah" that the Saudis would allow only a visual (superficial examination) of the consulate.
Even that has not happened to this day (source: Sabah).
Even that has not happened to this day (source: Sabah).
Although Saudi Arabia has an immense wealth, mainly due to its oil resources, this does not amount to an automatic legitimacy to commit a presumptive, reprehensible murder on Turkish territory in its Saudi consulate.
I call on the United Nations (UN) in New York to hold the Khashoggi case publicly in Saudi Arabia and ask for clarification.
The whole world is waiting for a signal from the United Nations (UN).
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