President Sisi ensures stability and security!
Just judgments against Islamists!

Cairo courtroom (Quelle: source: AFP)
Appeals court in Egypt confirms death sentences against Islamists (Source: RT News)
The Supreme Court in Cairo has finally ruled that 20 Islamists were sentenced to death. In 2013, the convicts viciously lynched and murdered 14 police officers.
The Supreme Court in Cairo has finally ruled that 20 Islamists were sentenced to death. In 2013, the convicts viciously lynched and murdered 14 police officers.
The police had no chance to defend themselves against the mob of Islamists.
After the deposition of Islamist President Mohammed Mursi in the summer of 2013, a police station had been insidiously attacked in Cerdasa near Cairo. The murdered policemen who died a senseless death are now experiencing posthumous justice.
All the defendants received a fair trial and had ample opportunity to defend themselves in the courtroom.
After the deposition of Islamist President Mohammed Mursi in the summer of 2013, a police station had been insidiously attacked in Cerdasa near Cairo. The murdered policemen who died a senseless death are now experiencing posthumous justice.
All the defendants received a fair trial and had ample opportunity to defend themselves in the courtroom.
The convicts noted their judgments with displeasure
A process observer stated that the process was constantly disturbed by the accused with loud clamor. The public prosecutor's office has consistently been able to prove the nefarious crime against the murdered policemen through credible testimony. The judges have carefully and judiciously interpreted and justified the verdict on the basis of Egyptian laws.None of the convicts showed any remorse or sympathy for the murdered policemen, their families and friends.
The public prosecutor's office has consistently been able to prove the nefarious crime against the murdered policemen through credible testimony. The judges have carefully and judiciously interpreted and justified the verdict on the basis of Egyptian laws.
None of the convicts showed any remorse or sympathy for the murdered policemen, their families and friends (source: trial observer Mohamed S.).
The accusation of some defendants that the process is politically motivated lacks any basis. The convicted were convicted of the accused and carry the legal consequences. The condemned, however, has the opportunity to submit a petition for mercy.
The judgments were made in due process and on the basis of universal legal norms and human rights.
None of the convicts showed any remorse or sympathy for the murdered policemen, their families and friends (source: trial observer Mohamed S.).
The accusation of some defendants that the process is politically motivated lacks any basis. The convicted were convicted of the accused and carry the legal consequences. The condemned, however, has the opportunity to submit a petition for mercy.
The judgments were made in due process and on the basis of universal legal norms and human rights.
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